Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're In the Loop!!!

Well it's finally happened! Nathan created a blog for us while we were at Tricia and Eric's for Gordon's family reunion and my 75th birthday (the downhill slide). We visited with Archie and Lois at their wonderful home on the 25th. As usual, Lois and Marianne hit the home decorating stores running, while Archie and Gordon went to the antique car show and lunched at The Garden Restaurant on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. We then went with Tricia and children to their ward campout in the Provo Canyon. Despite the injuries from horseshoes, Gordon tied in the competition. Also, Marianne led a round of The Very Unfortunate Man. A good day for us. 
Marianne's birthday on the 26th started with breakfast in bed prepared by Tricia and Emily. We lunched at Mimi's Cafe with the whole Harper clan. It was then off to Gordon's family reunion held in Draper Park. It started out great, and ended in the middle of a huge thunderstorm. Most all of the family/extended family were present. Another good day.
It's now Sunday evening after a wonderful church service with Nathan serving sacrament and Eric teaching Gospel Doctrine. This has been a wonderful vacation for us. 
WE HAVE NOW JOINED THE WORLD OF BLOGGING!!!!!!! Please join with us.


trimarie said...

Welcome to the 21st century. "How wide is this web?" --"World"

Luisa said...

Yay Grandma! I'm excited you joined our world:)

Lauren said...

Thanks Nathan and thanks grandma for everything last night. Welcome to the land of you need to learn to add some pictures.